Comments on: Homework 5 – Using the NLTK to investigate corpora and word frequency Introduction to computational corpus linguistics Mon, 16 Nov 2009 18:31:36 -0500 hourly 1 By: robfelty robfelty Thu, 01 Oct 2009 18:09:56 +0000 Sam asks: <blockquote>I was wondering on Question 10, are we supposed to perform that operation in Python, and if so, how do we access svn with Python?</blockquote> Yes. You should do it in python. However, you don't have to interact with svn at all. All you have to do is update your working copy of the class repository. Then the devilsDictionary.txt file is simply a regular file on your computer. Sam asks:

I was wondering on Question 10, are we supposed to perform that operation in Python, and if so, how do we access svn with Python?

Yes. You should do it in python. However, you don’t have to interact with svn at all. All you have to do is update your working copy of the class repository. Then the devilsDictionary.txt file is simply a regular file on your computer.
