Month: March 2009
Converting LaTeX to Microsoft Word with plasTeX and Open Office
Sample of LaTeX document converted to Word First of all, any LaTeX user might ask — why would I want to convert beautiful LaTeX into ugly Microsoft Word? The main reason is collaborators who want to use track changes. I recently sent a draft of a paper to some colleagues it two formats – .pdf…
Baingan Bharta
Baingan Bharta One of my favorite Indian dishes is Baingan Bharta, which is an eggplant dish. I decided to finally try to make it at home. After browsing through several recipes, I mostly followed this one from Dil Se. I was actually very surprised to discover that none of the recipes I found had any…
On choosing website style
The style options on my website which you may not have noticed A couple years ago, I read an article in A list apart about a style switcher for a website. I thought this was a great idea — let the user choose their favorite style. So I set about implementing it. I have had…
Reading iptc captions from jpegs with imagemagick
Rob and Spencer with zebras Once again I found myself needing to use imagemagick to do something, and was overwhelmed by the many options. After much fiddling around, I found out some options that worked for me. In this case, I wanted to extract iptc captions from images, so that I could then insert the…