The research mindset
Back when I was working at Nuance Communications, we had a yearly internal research conference, in which people would share what they had been working on with other teams. Usually there were about 200 or so people at the conference, which was probably about 1/4 of all the people working in research. I got the…
non-generative AI should not be forgotten
I have been working on virtual assistants for 15 years now. The first ones I started with were IVR (interactive voice response). These were the phone systems with complicated dialogues. When I would mention it at a party, people would always respond “I hate those!”. Then Siri came out right around the same time, and…
Who is my audience?
Several years ago, I set myself a goal to blog at least once a week. At the time, it was relatively easy to do so. I have not only this blog, but also my family blog. Now that my kids have gotten older, they don’t like me blogging on the family blog so much, so…
Three questions from the Cafe
For my birthday this year a friend gifted me Cafe at the Edge of the World by John Strelecky (amazon link). She actually gave me the German translation, which was fine with me. It was good timing, as I had a long plane trip ahead of me on December 24th, so I read it while…
Fatty mustard
I have been paying more and more attention to food ingredients and nutrition facts recently. I am not exactly sure why, but it has piqued my interest. A week or so ago I made Leberkäsebrötchen for me and my wife, and I decided to put out both sweet mustard and extra spicy mustard. Usually people…