Category: latex
Learning LilyPond
I have been a musician for over 30 years. During that time there were periods where I practiced up to 8 hours per day and performed several times per month. There were also periods in which I didn’t practice or perform for months or years. In the past year or so I have gotten back…
UNIX tip of the day: Inserting files with sed
Today I was working on my family 2021 annual report. Usually I write this in December, but I am a bit behind this year. We have been writing one of these since 2006, and we generally have a lot of fun doing it. I write them in LaTeX, because I like LaTeX, and it produces…
LaTeX tip of the day: delete intermediate files
15 years ago, I was using LaTeX on a daily basis for writing my dissertation, articles, and presentations. I used the beamer package to create both slides and notes with the same source for several courses I taught. I am planning on giving a presentation soon and since I am lazy, I wanted to copy/paste…
Small fix for article class in plasTeX
I recently found a small error in plasTeX, the program I like to use to convert latex to html. Unfortunately, it looks like it is not being actively developed anymore, but since it is open-source, and it is written in python, which I know, I was able to figure out the issue in not too…
Em dash in LaTeX
My friend Daniel Reeves was recently discussing different ways to typeset em dashes. Here is the way I like to do it in LaTeX. \documentclass{minimal} %this sets up a new command \dash, which makes nice dashes \DeclareRobustCommand\dash{% \unskip\nobreak\thinspace\textemdash\thinspace\ignorespaces} \begin{document} Let’s test out several different variants on making an em dash using the \LaTeX typesetting system…