Category: general
The research mindset
Back when I was working at Nuance Communications, we had a yearly internal research conference, in which people would share what they had been working on with other teams. Usually there were about 200 or so people at the conference, which was probably about 1/4 of all the people working in research. I got the…
Three questions from the Cafe
For my birthday this year a friend gifted me Cafe at the Edge of the World by John Strelecky (amazon link). She actually gave me the German translation, which was fine with me. It was good timing, as I had a long plane trip ahead of me on December 24th, so I read it while…
Nutrition experiment results
In my last post, I mentioned that I was going to try a strange high-protein diet last week consisting only of Harzer cheese and broccoli. Well, I completed that experiment, and here is some information about how it went. I cheated a bit Originally I had planned to eat 16 pieces (800 grams) of Harzer…
The importance of the denominator and a nutrition experiment
High-protein diets have been popular for a good ten years or more. In the last year or so, there has been an explosion of high-protein products at the grocery store, e.g. “high-protein pudding” or “high-protein yogurt”, which my daughter has been gobbling up. Several weeks ago my son told me he wanted to try a…
90% is often the perfect amount
It is spring time where I live, which besides chirping birds and blooming flowers means also spring cleaning. In particular, I have spent at 10-20 hours over the last several weeks cleaning the paths in our back yard. Over the winter months, when we don’t use it much, moss, algae, and weeds start to grow…