Category: mac osx
MacOS/UNIX tip of the day: Opening many urls at once
Today I needed to use a tool to look up information about 30 or so blogs at work. The tool is a web-based internal tool, which accepts a blog_id as a parameter in the url. I used some UNIX magic to extract these from some other information, so that I had a simple list in…
MacOS tip of the day: Preview redact and combine
Yesterday I was preparing my taxes, and wanted to deduct my donation to the WikiMedia foundation. I couldn’t find an actual receipt, but I did have my bank statement, so I decided to just black out the other purchases. After I put a black box on them, Preview gave me a popup saying that the…
Photos, EXIF, IPTC oh my!
Today I wanted to make a post on my blog with a bunch of pictures. I used my Canon DSLR over the weekend, and I imported all the pictures into the Photos app on my Mac. My normal workflow is to first go through all the pictures and choose the best, which is usually somewhere…
MacOS tip of the day: Dictionary
If you’re like me, you find yourself looking up words in the dictionary fairly frequently. For me, this is particularly true, since I am an American living in Germany, and even though I speak German quite well, there are few days that go by where I don’t need to look up a word or two.…
MacOS updates are slow
I remember a time 10 or 15 years ago when you could install a system update on your Mac without rebooting. I always chuckled at the Windows users who seemingly had to reboot every time they installed a new program, let alone a system update. I don’t remember exactly when Macs started requiring reboots for…