Month: September 2021
UNIX tip of the day: units
A colleague at Automattic today shared an interesting post about a strange sorting bug in PHP, and another colleague shared one I had read before – about how “our email system cannot send emails over 500 miles“. I had remembered reading that one sometime in the last couple years, but couldn’t remember all the details,…
TIL: Elasticsearch timeouts
Lately at work at Tumblr I have been working on creating feeds of posts based on the country in which they were published, or the country in which users liked or reblogged a post. I didn’t want to do a simple filter, but rather use a boosting query to boost localized content, while also accounting…
On Multilingualism and Empathy
Hallo (German informal). Guten Tag (standard German). Moin moin (Northern Germany). Goed morgen (Dutch). Bonjour (French). Ciao (Italian). Privet (Russian). Merhaba (Turkish) . Salam (Arabic). Zdravo (Serbo-croation). Hi (English). These are a few of the greetings I might hear on any day in my hometown of Würselen, Germany, which lies just a few kilometers away…