Category: bash
UNIX tip of the day: pushd
I am frequently surprised by the number of colleagues I have who do not know about the BASH builtins pushd and popd. I myself remember seeing them for the first time in a script about 10 years ago, and had to look up the commands. At first I didn’t quite understand the point, but now…
Unicode block names in regular expressions
Frequently, I find myself wanting to do some simple language detection. For Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, this can easily be done by looking at the types of characters in some text. The simplest and most robust way to do this is to use Unicode block names. It is very simple to write a regular expression…
Pretty printing json
Here is a really simple way to pretty print some unformatted json $ echo ‘{“foo”: “lorem”, “bar”: “ipsum”}’ | python -mjson.tool { “bar”: “ipsum”, “foo”: “lorem” }
Using awk to sum rows of numbers
I have a script which takes a tab-delmited file for regression tests, and converts it xml. I want to do a sanity check, to make sure that the number of utterances in my xml files matches the number in the tab-delimited.txt file. I can do this in 2 lines in UNIX robert_felty$ wc -l samples2.txt…