Category: Computers

  • Reading iptc captions from jpegs with imagemagick

    Rob and Spencer with zebras Once again I found myself needing to use imagemagick to do something, and was overwhelmed by the many options. After much fiddling around, I found out some options that worked for me. In this case, I wanted to extract iptc captions from images, so that I could then insert the…

  • The right 3 bytes
    wordpress plugin bugs solved

    A few weeks ago I noticed a very strange bug with all of my wordpress plugins in the newest version of wordpress (2.7). All of the plugins can be used as widgets. When I tried to add one of plugin widgets to the sidebar, it seemed to be okay, but when I clicked on “save…

  • Collapsing updates galore

    I’ve been working a lot lately on some major rewrites to all 4 of the collapsing X wordpress plugins I have written. All 4 of them now have the following features: All use the same javascript file, which will only get loaded once, in case you use more than 1 of the plugins No longer…

  • LaTeX utility scripts

    Processing a LaTeX file usually takes several steps. At a bare minimum, it usually requires 2 runs through latex (or pdflatex). Two runs are necessary in order to get cross-references and the table of contents right. Since LaTeX processes a page at a time, it can’t generate a table of contents on page 1 until…

  • wordpress, mediarss, and friendfeed

    thanksgiving collage This is mostly a test feed to see if this works. Daniel Pritchett modified the media rss wordpress plugin to get it to work with friendfeed. You can get the code here. It seems like it just adds a thumbnail attribute to a media tag. By “working with friendfeed”, I mean that friendfeed…

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