pgf gallery
I just discovered a nice gallery of pgf examples. This is a figure from Rumelhart and McClelland 1986 showing the structure of their model of parallel distributed processing. I am posting this example there, and here as well. First of all the picture: And next the latex code: (notice the foreach loops – very cool!!!)…
pgf, xetex, and landscape
So I am starting to use the pgf package for graphics in LaTeX, because it rocks. The biggest thing is that it is compatible with both postscript and pdf output, which is very nice. I have been using mostly pdftex lately, because it means a faster compile time, and has other features like advanced typography…
a new LaTeX class file for U-M dissertations
I have been working on a new LaTeX class file for University of Michigan dissertations for awhile now. I finally got tired of the limitations of umdiss.cls. The main goals (which I believe I have achieved) of the new class file are: load the book class and modify only what’s necessary be compatible with as…
the beauty of LaTeX
I recently found a very nice site about the beauty of LaTeX. It does a close comparison of the type of output you get with LaTeX as opposed to what you normally get with a program like Microsoft Word. There is also another nice article that it links to near the bottom comparing hyphenation using…
potato soup (aka gnocchi)
So tonight for dinner we had some friends over, and I was trying to think of what to cook. Clare suggested some of the bread I made yesterday with some olive tapenade her parents had given us. That sounded like a great starter. So I started thinking of other dishes to go along with it.…