Category: Computers
Java anchored regex
I just discovered this today when doing some regex in Java. When I first started doing regex in Java, I was surprised to learn that Java seems to treat all regular expressions as anchored. That is, if you have a string foobar and search for “foo” it will not match. This is different than grep,…
Solr DataImportHandler preImportDeleteQuery gotcha
One handy feature of the DataImportHandler in solr is that you can group documents by different entities. In the MKB we have a couple different kinds of entities we import – songs, albums, tvshows, etc. Sometimes we make a change or improvement to the underlying data of one type of entity, and want to test…
Pretty printing json
Here is a really simple way to pretty print some unformatted json $ echo ‘{“foo”: “lorem”, “bar”: “ipsum”}’ | python -mjson.tool { “bar”: “ipsum”, “foo”: “lorem” }
Using awk to sum rows of numbers
I have a script which takes a tab-delmited file for regression tests, and converts it xml. I want to do a sanity check, to make sure that the number of utterances in my xml files matches the number in the tab-delimited.txt file. I can do this in 2 lines in UNIX robert_felty$ wc -l samples2.txt…
Small fix for article class in plasTeX
I recently found a small error in plasTeX, the program I like to use to convert latex to html. Unfortunately, it looks like it is not being actively developed anymore, but since it is open-source, and it is written in python, which I know, I was able to figure out the issue in not too…