Category: Computers
I am now an automattician!
Today is my first official day at Automattic. I am excited!
UNIX tip – xargs with multiple commands
Xargs is an extremely powerful complement to the awesome find command. One downside is that you usually need to have a single pipeline. By default you can’t put together a bunch of commands which are not piped. However, it is possible to call a shell with xargs. In this way, you can execute multiple commands…
Postgres tip of the day – show size of all databases
Here is a handy little query to show the size of all the databases on a particular postgres server: SELECT pg_database.datname, pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(pg_database.datname)) AS size FROM pg_database; datname | size ————–+——— template1 | 6369 kB template0 | 6361 kB postgres | 6589 kB foo | 55 MB bar | 5129 MB foobar | 85 GB (6…
Unicode block names in regular expressions
Frequently, I find myself wanting to do some simple language detection. For Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, this can easily be done by looking at the types of characters in some text. The simplest and most robust way to do this is to use Unicode block names. It is very simple to write a regular expression…
Monkey patching in python
I was just reading an article about Martijn Pieters, who is a python expert, and he mentioned monkey patching I did not know what monkey patching is, so I googled it, and found a great answer on stack overflow Basically, it takes advantage of python’s class access philosophy. Unlike java, which has a strict access…