Category: general
It doesn’t matter to me …
Over the last several years, I have noticed that my kids frequently ask me simple questions or preference, for which I really don’t have an opinion. A good example of this is when we are playing a board game. Dad, which color do you want? I used to reply something like “I don’t care”. But…
I just wanted to say …
I remember my first year in college, there was a student in one of my classes (this class only had 12 students) who frequently prefixed her comments in class with “this might stupid, but …”, and then went on to say something which most people thought was stupid. In other words, it probably would have…
My kids’ school back in Colorado had this mantra that before you talk, you should THINK – a helpful acronym to check that what you are about to say is True Helpful Informative Necessary Kind My daughter recently made me a new sign to hang on our wall near our dining room table so that…
Just a quick post to let you know that I have been a bit busy with fatherhood for the last week, so I have not been responding to wordpress plugin problems. If you’re interested, updates are at
Bash one-liners to the rescue
I recently find myself using handy bash one-liners more all the time. I think that this is where unix/linux can really start to shine. There are so many little programs that just do one thing, and one thing well. But the ability to combine these together through pipes means you have extremely flexible and powerful…