Category: css
On choosing website style
The style options on my website which you may not have noticed A couple years ago, I read an article in A list apart about a style switcher for a website. I thought this was a great idea — let the user choose their favorite style. So I set about implementing it. I have had…
Collapsing updates galore
I’ve been working a lot lately on some major rewrites to all 4 of the collapsing X wordpress plugins I have written. All 4 of them now have the following features: All use the same javascript file, which will only get loaded once, in case you use more than 1 of the plugins No longer…
Finally a better LaTeX to html converter
About a year ago I wrote a post about my frustration with the lack of a good LaTeX to html converter. Recently I found one. It is called plasTeX, so named because it is written in python. Finally a converter which works well with most any LaTeX package or macro you write, and produces sane,…
Releasing the Collapsing Categories WordPress Plugin
I started using the Fancy Categories plugin by Andrew Rader about 6 or 8 months ago. I have been slowly modifying it for some time now, and it seems appropriate to release it as a new plugin. (Note that I thought that Andrew Rader disappeared as well, but I now have found him at his…