Category: WordPress
TIL: Elasticsearch timeouts
Lately at work at Tumblr I have been working on creating feeds of posts based on the country in which they were published, or the country in which users liked or reblogged a post. I didn’t want to do a simple filter, but rather use a boosting query to boost localized content, while also accounting…
What is a professor?
Yesterday at dinner my 12-year old son asked me if I used to be a professor. “No, I didn’t.” But I did teach at a university, right? “Yes, I did.” And thus began a 20 minute explanation of what it is to be a professor. I thought I would summarize it up here, since it…
Forcing JPEG instead of WebP for images with Jetpack
I use Jetpack on most of my WordPress websites, because it has some really great features, many of them free. I still can’t believe that Automattic gives away a CDN (content distribution network). If you don’t know what that is, it is a way of hosting static files like images, javascript, and css and the…
Website history, redesign, and relaunch
In 2003 I got my first personal computer – that is, a computer which belonged only to me. Growing up in the 80s and 90s, we had a couple different computers – an Apple IIe, then a 386 PC, then a 486 PC and so on. When I was in the 10th grade my older…
Git tip – restoring “lost” commits
I ran into a git issue today where I thought I was ready to push a recent commit, and the push failed, saying that I was in the middle of a rebase. I don’t remember starting a rebase, but maybe I did. I tried git rebase –continue, but that didn’t work, so then I tried…