Category: WordPress
UNIX tip of the day: two file processing with AWK
I recently came across some AWK code from a work colleague that I did not understand at all awk -F’\t’ -v OFS=’\t’ ‘FNR==NR{a[$1]=$1;next};$1 in a{print $1,$2,$3}’ file1 file2 I usually like to understand code instead of blindly copying and pasting, so I did a little research into what this was doing. Searching for “awk FNR…
UNIX tip of the day – trap EXIT
I was reading a shell script today and came across the trap command, which I was not aware of. Some googling led me to this article: How “Exit Traps” Can Make Your Bash Scripts Way MoreRobust And Reliable , which has a really nice explanation. Basically, trap acts sort of like a finally block in…
Exploring querying parquet with Hive, Impala, and Spark
At Automattic, we have a lot of data from, our flagship product. We have over 90 million users, and 100 million blogs. Our data team is constantly analyzing our data to discover how we can better serve our users. In 2015, one of our big focuses has been to improve the new user experience.…
According to my city’s website to pay my water bill, I am both a verified and an unverified user. Not sure how that it is possible
I am now an automattician!
Today is my first official day at Automattic. I am excited!